My work is done, so I return home, loving my lively hood. It's a blessing to be able to practice and develop an art that fascinates and mystifies me. I feel as though I will never learn enough about this art form, even until my last breathe. I will always be studying and improving my craft. It's actually ironic that I am now a performing artist for a living, because I was terribly shy in my youth. I never would have believed, ten years ago, that today, I would be making my living as a dancer. When I first started performing other styles of dance, in my teens, I learned through experience, constructive criticism and training how to develop performance stage skills. Though I had a natural talent for movement, coordination, and attention to detail, it was very difficult learning how to ease up on my self awareness and opening up to strangers! Conversationally, it's still not easy, and that is apparently why dance is my chosen medium.